Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Why is my water making me sleepy?

Today, I asked Aidan if he would please get me a cup of water. He jumped up and a few minutes later came back with a full cup of very cold water. He then asked if he could change his pants because he got "turkey water" on them (our turkey was defrosting in a sink full of water). I told him, sure, then stopped mid-guzzle. Ummmm. Aidan, come to think of it, I didn't hear you turn the faucet on, and you can't reach the faucet, can you? Nope. Is this turkey water that I'm drinking? The blank stare was the only answer I needed.

This Thanksgiving will be spent nursing my salmonilla wrecked body.

I'm thankful for a boy that keeps me on my toes, and always keeps me laughing (or barfing, in this case).

Happy Thanksgiving, and it's good to be back!