Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Weight-Loss Battle Continues...

 Well, you are probably wondering how my weight-loss "strategy" is going (that is if your life is sooo exciting that you feel you really NEED to follow mine).  Well, the first day I did pretty good.  I had myself a bunch of oatmeal, with a little sugar.....and maybe a little cocoa....and perhaps some milk and butter.  Okay, perhaps my oatmeal was in the form of no-bake cookies (better known as "doo-doo cookies" at our house).  But oatmeal's oatmeal, right?  I haven't been keeping track of ANYTHING I eat, so that part is going pretty crappy, BUTT (and that's still a big butt if you noticed) I have been walking every morning at 6am (7am on Wed)(oh, and not at all on Monday, Saturday and Sunday).  Okay, so now that I type it out it doesn't sound quite as impressive as it actually FEELS.  AND I even went for an evening walk on Wednesday night- granted when I went to walk on Thursday morning,  I was pretty sure that there was a miniature pirate strapped to each calf stabbing me with a sword the entire time, so our 40 min walk turned into a 20 min walk and a 20 min nap in the van.  I went on a walk again tonight with Aidan, Kate and Ava.  I'm hoping for LESS pain tomorrow morning....eventually, I reason, my body will stop rejecting my pathetic attempts at excercise and just work with me.  We shall see.
By the way, our new kittens caught (and presented us with) a shrew this morning.  Did you know that a shrew's heart beats approx 800 times a minute!! Their metabolism works SO fast that they will die of starvation if they haven't eaten for ten hours.  I'm feeling very shrewish lately.  If only my body would metabolize my food that fast!!


Kath said...

I am reading your blog while eating a whole half gallon of ice cream. I suck at losing weight.

The Mom said...

You're crazy!! You were smaller when you were 9 months preggo than I am now!! I know, losing weight sucks. No two "weighs" about it!